Have you ever purchased a toy, blanket or shirt from a craft fair? Or bought a handmade item for your child, grandchild or family member? Some of the time you pay a little more for a handmade item than you do from something from one of the chain stores, but you're paying for quality. You appreciate that. I know that I do.
Soon you may not be able to purchase handmade items for your children.
Here's why....
On Feb. 10th thousands of small business will face closure due to a new law passed by President Bush and Congress. While this law was put in place to protect our children from harmful chemicals in their toys, the far reaching aspect was not taken into account and thousands of people will be hurt. Small business/craftsmen/artisans will not be able to afford the required testing of items that do not contain the hazardous chemicals.
A hand knitted hat for a baby that I paid $18 dollars for in November will cost me no less than $168 after Feb. 10th. I do a little knitting so I know that the actual cost of this hat was around $5 for the 1 skein used. No other items are needed on it. The knitter that made the hat will now have to pay for testing on items that she makes. If that item contains more than 1 component (ie buttons, zippers, ribbon or a 2nd skien of yarn) then she will have to pay for tests to be performed on those items as well. Testing will begin around $150 per item. If she makes a sweater with 2 different types of yarn and has buttons or snaps on it, then she will have to pay for 3 tests (1 for each different yarn and 1 for the buttons OR snaps.) If those tests are a min. of $150....do the math.....3 x $150 = $450 + cost of goods......Can YOU pay almost $500 for a childs sweater? Well, you may have to IF this artisan is able to stay in business. Most of these people will not survive.
This law is not protecting our children. Most items that will be tested will not contain lead in any form. The cost of testing will trickle down from the big manufacturers to the retail outlets. The consumer will eventually pay for the cost by being forced to pay higher prices for necessary items such as clothing, diapers, bedding. Just what we need just as our economy is going downhill on a daily basis. Smaller businessess and crafters/artisans that make unique and one of a kind children's items will pay the ultimate price. They will simply not be able to pay the testing and pass it on to their client, nor can they simply absorb the cost. Thousands will be forced to stop producing their items. For many, that means bankcruptcy. On the web, Feb. 10, 2009 is being call "National Bankruptcy Day".
While everyone is in agreement that our children should be protected, the way this law was written was not thought out properly. The law came about due the public outrage at all the recalls of the toys that contained lead. Requiring toys arriving from China to be certified as lead free is one thing......requiring a Stay at home mom that knitts baby hats to submit her items for lead testing is another.
This law needs to be repealed and re-written. It needs to outline EXACTLY what poses a threat to our children and GUIDLINES on what is to be tested. Not just a generalization for an age group.
There are several blog posts on the web regarding this subject.
OverlawyeredCool Mom PicksJust add charmNational Bankruptcy Day A very informative post regarding information that the blogger has after talking to a couple of testing labs. $600 for a onesie!!! $300 for a BIB!!!!!!!!!
Happy Panda Baby Even an article in the Wall Street Journal today.
Wall Street JournalThe Dallas NewsThis site actually shows some great information on what needs to be tested.
Fashion IncubatorThe most informative and down to earth information that I've found so far:
The Domestic DivaPlease show this information to your family, friends, co-workers, copy it, pass it around. Let's get the information out to the public!!!!!